cell_dyn -cell dynamics control variable
The cell_dyn variable determines the algorithm used to update
the cell dimensions during a molecular dynamics simulation. The following
values are allowed:
LOCKED: The cell dimensions are fixed. The stress tensor is not calculated.
SD: Steepest Descent. The cell dimensions are updated using a steepest descent algorithm:
ax(t) = ax(t-dt) + stressx * dt2 / vmasswhere ax(t) is the cell dimension in the x direction, and vmass is the mass associated with the cell degrees of freedom.
MD: Molecular Dynamics. The cell dimensions are updated using a Verlet algorithm:
ax(t) = 2 * ax(t) - ax(t-dt) + stressx * dt2 / vmassIf the vdamp variable is non-zero, a damping term is added to the Verlet algorithm as follows:
ax(t) = ax(t) + (1-vdamp) * (ax(t)-ax(t-dt)) + stressx * dt2 / vmass
BMD: Blocking Molecular Dynamics. The cell dimensions are updated using the Verlet algorithm (with damping if vdamp > 0). The cell velocities are set to zero whenever the total energy is increasing.